Jumaat, 3 Julai 2009
> > > Aku ada pasangan hidup sendiri....
> > > Bila seronok, aku cari....pasanganku
> > > Bila sedih, aku cari....Mak
> > > Bila berjaya, aku ceritakan pada....pasanganku
> > > Bila gagal, aku ceritakan pada....Mak
> > > Bila bahagia, aku peluk erat....pasanganku
> > > Bila berduka, aku peluk erat....Emakku
> > > Bila nak bercuti, aku bawa....pasanganku
> > > Bila sibuk, aku hantar anak ke rumah....Mak
> > > Bila sambut valentine.. Aku bagi hadiah pada pasanganku
> > > Bila sambut hari ibu...aku cuma dapat ucapkan "Selamat Hari Ibu"
> > > Selalu.. aku ingat pasanganku
> > > Selalu.. Mak ingat kat aku
> > > Bila-bila... aku akan talipon pasanganku
> > > Entah bila... aku nak talipon Mak
> > > Selalu...aku belikan hadiah untuk pasanganku
> > > Entah bila... aku nak belikan hadiah untuk Emak
> > > Renungkan:
> > > bolehkah kau kirim wang untuk Mak?
> > > Mak bukan nak banyak... lima puluh ringgit sebulan pun cukuplah".
> > >
> > > Berderai air mata jika kita mendengarnya.......
> > > Tapi kalau Mak sudah tiada..........
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Berapa ramai yang sanggup menyuapkan ibunya....
> > > berapa ramai yang sanggup mencuci muntah ibunya.....
> > > berapa ramai yang sanggup. mengantikan lampin ibunya.....
> > > berapa ramai yang sanggup..... membersihkan najis ibunya.......
> > > berapa ramai yang sanggup....... membuang ulat dan membersihkan luka kudis ibunya....
> > > berapa ramai yang sanggup berhenti kerja untuk menjaga ibunya.....
> > >
> > > Dan akhir sekali berapa ramai yang sembahyang JENAZAH ibunya....
> > >
> > >
Posted by ahmad syamil at 7/03/2009 0 comments
Ahad, 21 Jun 2009
Jumaat, 1 Mei 2009
kt sk0la,,,
kt skola aku ada kwd...
aku da la mls kwd2 ni...
tp kna la jgk msuk...
nk bwt cmna...
lthan tiap2 ptg,bleh gla oooo...
da la ada lthan rgbi lg...
klu aku rsa mls nk kwd,aku men rgbi...
klu aku rsa mls nk men rgbi,aku p kwd...hahaha
cm2 la aku...
hri khms ari2 lwn la kwd...
dpt no2,,hohoho
aku pon xtau cmna bleh mng sbb byk sgt slap...
tp kira ok la mng jgk drpd pmpuan xdpt trus..hak3
lps ni kna tumpu rgbi plak...
blaja bla pon aku xtau...
mmpoih aku...
tp xpa
hak3,prinsip aku...
k gud lark mid year...
gunakan otak sblum mlakukan apa2 krja atau msalah...
Posted by ahmad syamil at 5/01/2009 0 comments
nAma aKu aHmAd sYaMiL,
nMa mNja sYaMiL,
Nma JhaT sYaMiL,
nMa IsLam AhMaD sYaMiL BiN sAmSuL aNuAr,
aKu Ank SulOng,mAchO lA kiRa..haha
Ada 3 Adk..tp..sUme pOmpUan!!sOrG jA lAkI...KiRa HeRo jGkLa AkU nEyH,,,hUhU
jGn SgAn SiLu..jUz Add Me Kt Ym...
KomPem DilaYAn..
tP KnA brAtur Amek NoMbOr Lu..
Alaa..pHm2 R! cBukk..hehe
sUkA LePaK,
sUkA mAkAn NaSi GoReNg,
SukA bWt PAhAla,
SukA bWT doSA,
suKa PuJI ORanG,
sukA kuTuK orANg,,
rEndAh DiRi,
bsAr DiRi,
SlAmat BknaLAn
UkHwaH FiLLah Fi MardHatiLLah
Posted by ahmad syamil at 5/01/2009 0 comments
Ahad, 12 April 2009
time rugby,,,
wajah nakal ashraf@biskod...
spa tu???
mcm nk p perang plak,,,
muhd farid suhaimi bwt comei leh...
md jiwa ragbi 2009(johan peringkat kebangsaan)
Posted by ahmad syamil at 4/12/2009 0 comments
Seorang guru tadika sedang memupuk rasa percaya diri kepada pelajarnya-pelajarn ya. Guru tersebut meminta mereka untuk memperkenalkan diri sekaligus memberitahu tentang cita-cita mereka. Abu berdiri dan berkata, "Nama saya Abu bin Dolah. Bila besar nanti saya ingin jadi juruterbang, jadi bolehlah saya pergi ke Australia , Eropah , Iraq dan sebagainya". "Bagus Abu. Terima kasih. Siapa lagi?", tanya cikgu. Seorang pelajar perempuan yang duduk di tepi berdiri dan berkata, "Nama saya Noni binti Samad. Kalau besar nanti, Noni nak jadi suri rumah tangga dan mempunyai anak-anak yang comel". "Bagus. Jadi suri rumah tangga merupakan cita-cita yang mulia. Siapa lagi?". Seman berdiri dan berkata, "Saya Seman bin Leman, bila besar nanti saya bercita-cita untuk membantu Noni mencapai cita-citanya. ..".
Posted by ahmad syamil at 4/12/2009 0 comments
Cinta Itu Buta
1. Cinta itu buta tatkala kedua-dua pasangan atau salah seorang dari mereka tiada penglihatan atau dalam bahasa mudahnya buta.. Jadi sudah pastilah sukar untuk mengambarkan paras fizikal pasangan tersebut.. Namun yang menariknya kadang kala pasangan ini memiliki cinta yang lebih kukuh berbanding manusia normal.
2. Individu yang cantik tetapi pasangan hodoh.. Kalau hodoh paras rupa masih ok tapi hodoh dari segi perangai, sikap dan sebagainya… Malahan ada yang sanggup berkorban untuk pasangan yang terang-terang tidak akan menjadi pasangan yang mampu membimbing mereka.. Jadi mungkin mata individu tersebut telah dibutakan.. Macammana?? Wallahualam
3. Pasangan yang hanya mengharapkan harta semata-mata.. Terdapat beberapa kes di mana gadis yang muda berkahwin dengan lelaki yang telah layak untuk digelar datuk( bukan datuk pangkat) .. Dan ada antara mereka yang memikirkan harta yang dapat melalui perkahwinan tersebut.. Rasanya yang ini semua orang tau.. Mata mereka dibutakan oleh duit dan harta…
4. Situasi ini lagi teruk.. Individu berpasangan dengan pasangan yang berjantina sama??? Kenapa ?? Apakah yang telah menyebabkan mata mereka buta?? Adakah tidak cukup lelaki/wanita di muka bumi ini?? Hanya mereka-mereka yang boleh menjawabnya..
5. Yang terakhir sering kita lupa.. Kita sering lupa untuk menyintaiNya.. Kita sering menyanyangi antara satu sama lain tapi kadangkala kita terlupa menyintai Pencipta kita.. Mungkin kita telah dibutakan dengan cinta-cinta yang lain??
Posted by ahmad syamil at 4/12/2009 0 comments
Reading this is entertaining
Did you know that we can determine if a person is sexually active or not by looking at her skin?
- Sex is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests have shown that a woman who has sexual relations produces big amounts of estrogen which makes hair shiny and soft.
- To make love in soft and relaxed way reduces the possibilities of suffering from dermatitis and acne. The sweat produced cleans pores and makes the skin shine.
- To make love allows to burn all the calories accumulate is this romantic love scene.
- Sex is one of the safest sports. It strengthens and tonifies all body muscles. It is more enjoyable than doing 20 lapses in the pool. And you don’t need special shoes!
- Sex is an instantaneous cure against depression. It frees endorphins in the blood flow, creating a state of euphoria and leaves us with a feeling of well-being.
- The more we make love, the more we have the capacity to do more. A body sexually active releases a higher amount of pheromone. This subtle aroma excites the opposite sex!
- Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world. IT IS 10 TIMES MORE EFFICIENT THAN VALIUM.
- To kiss everyday allows to avoid the dentist. Kisses aid saliva in cleaning teeth and lower the quantity of acids causing enamel weakening.
- Sex relieves headaches. Each time we make love, it releases the tension in brain veins.
- To make love a lot can heal a nasal congestion. Sex is a natural antihistaminic. It helps fight asthma and spring allergies.
Posted by ahmad syamil at 4/12/2009 0 comments
Your Birthday Color
If your birthday is on... Scroll down to find out about your nature...
December 23rd - January 1st | Red |
January 2nd - January 11th | Orange |
January 12th - January 24th | Yellow |
January 25th - February 3 | Pink |
February 4th - February 8th | Blue |
February 9th - February 18th | Green |
February 19th - February 28th | Brown |
March1st - Match 10th | Aqua |
March 11 - March 20th | Lime |
March 21st | Black |
March 22nd - March 31st | Purple |
April 1st - April 10th | Navy |
April 11th - April 20th | Silver |
April 21st - April 30th | White |
May 2nd - May 14th | Blue |
May 15th - May 24th | Gold |
May 25th - June 3rd | Cream |
June 4th - June13th | Gray |
June 14 - June 23rd | Maroon |
June 24th | Gray |
June 25 - July 4th | Red |
July 5th - July 14th | Orange |
July 15th - July 25 th | Yellow |
July 26th - August 4 th | Pink |
August 5th - August 13th | Blue |
August 14th - August 23rd | Green |
August 24 - September 2nd | Brown |
September 3rd - September12th | Aqua |
September 13th - September 22nd | Lime |
September 23rd | Olive |
September 24th - October 3rd | Purple |
October 4th - October 13th | Navy |
October 14th - October 23rd | Silver |
October 24 - November 11th | White |
November 12th - November 21st | Gold |
November 22nd - December1st | Cream |
December 2nd - December11th | Gray |
December 12th - December 21st | Maroon |
December 22nd | Teal |
Cute and lovable type, you are picky but always in love ...and liked to be loved. Fresh and cheerful, but can be "moody" at times. Capable with people, nice, soft, and that can love you for the way you are. Likes people that are easy to talk to, and can make you feel comfortable.
Competitive and sportive. Don't like losing and always cheerful! You are trustworthy, and very out-going. You choose love carefully, and don't fall in love easily. But once you find the right one, you don't let go for a long long time.
You are mostly interested in your looks. And have high standards in picking love. You think and make a solution precisely, and hardly make stupid mistakes. You like to lead, and is easy for you to make new friends.
You are attractive, and active. You never hide your feelings, and express everything that's inside. But can be selfish at times. You want to be noticed, and don't like to be treated unequally. You can brighten up people's day. You know what to say at the right time, and you have a good sense of humor.
You get along well with new people. You are not really a shy person, but sometimes you can hurt people's feelings by your words... You like to be loved and noticed by your lover, but mostly you are single, waiting for the right person.
You know what's right and what's wrong. You are cheerful and out going. It's hard for you to find the one you want, but once you find the right person, you won't be able to fall in love again for a long time.
You are always trying your best in everything, and like to help and care for other people. But you are not easily satisfied. You have negative thoughts, and you look for romantic love like in a fairytale.
You are sweet and innocent. Trusted by many people, and have a strong leadership towards relationships. You make good decision and make the right choice at the right time. And always dreaming of romantic relationship.
You are intelligent, and know what's right. You like to take things go your way, which can sometimes cause trouble or not thinking about other people's feelings. But you are patient when it comes to love... Once you get a hold of the right person, it's hard for you to find a better love.
You are responsible for your own actions, and you know how to treat people. You always have goals to reach, and are competitive. When it comes to friendship, you find it hard to trust someone, but once you find the right friend, you trust them for ever.
You are mysterious, never selfish and get interested in things easily. Your day can be sad or happy depending on your mood. You are popular between friends but you can act stupid at times, and forget things easily. You go for person that's trustworthy.
You are calm, but easily stressed out. You get jealous easily, and complain over little things. You can't get stuck into one thing, but you have a capable personality for everyone to trust you and like you.
You are imaginative and shy, but you like trying new things. You like to challenge yourself. You learn things easily, and like "Hard to get". Your love life is normally hard and confusing.
You dream and have goals in your life. You get jealous easily and you don't react to things easily. You are different and sometimes thought highly by others.
You are warm and light hearted. You seem to flow well with friends and family. You don't like violence and know what's right. You are kind and cheerful, but don't envy other people easily.
You are active and sportive. It's hard for other people to become close with you, but you fall in love easily. But once you find ou t you can't get something, you give up and let go easily as well.
You have low self-esteem, and very picky. You are artistic and like to fall in love, but you let your love pass by, by loving with your mind, not your heart.
You are attractive, and love your life. You have a strong feeling towards everything. And very easily distracted. Once you get angry at someone, it's hard for you to forgive them.
Your feelings change suddenly and easily. You are always lonely, and like travelling. You are truthful, but listen and believe other people too easily. It's hard to find love for you, and you get lost in love easily. Sometimes you get hurt by love.
You are challenging, and have the "guts". But you don't like changes in your life. And once you make a decision, you keep it that way for a long time. Your love life is also challenging, and different.
You are responsible for your own actions, and you know how to treat people. You always have goals to reach, and are competitive. When it comes to friendship, you find it hard to trust someone, but once you find the right friend, you trust them for ever.
Posted by ahmad syamil at 4/12/2009 0 comments
What Family Is
Do you know what family is?
Do you really understand what is behind the word family?
It gives us a shock when we know the answer.
Father And Mother, I Love You
WHY does a man want to have a WIFE?
WHY does a woman want to have a HUSBAND?
Do you know that a simple "HELLO" can be a sweet one?
Especially from our loved ones. The word HELLO means:
H-How are you?
E-Everything all right?
L-Like to hear from you
L-Love to see you soon!
O-Obviously, I miss you ..... so, HELLO! Good day!
Posted by ahmad syamil at 4/12/2009 0 comments
Pemain Bola Sepak Terbaik Yang Pernah Aku Tengok,,,
edgar davids
steven gerrard
fabio cannavaro
ini yg trbaik,cristiano ronaldo...
Posted by ahmad syamil at 4/12/2009 0 comments
Sabtu, 11 April 2009
15 Maksiat Yang Mengundang Bala
Maksud hadis :
"Daripada Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a., Rasullulah s.a.w. bersabda:
"Apabila umatku telah membuat lima belas pekara, maka bala pasti akan turun kepada mereka, iaitu :
1. Apabila harta negara hanya beredar kepada orang-orang tertentu.
2. Apabila amanah dijadikan suatu sumber keuntungan.
3. Zakat dijadikan hutang.
4. Suami yang menuruti kehendak isteri.
5. Anak derhaka kepada ibunya.
6. Sedangkan ia berbaik-baik dengan kawannya.
7. Ia suka menjauhkan diri daripada ayahnya.
8. Suara sudah ditinggikan di dalam masjid.
9. Yang menjadi ketua satu kaum adalah yang terhina di antara mereka.
10. Seseorang yang dimuliakan kerana ditakuti kejahatannya.
11. Khamar (arak) sudah diminum di merata tempat.
12. Kain sutera banyak dipakai (oleh kaum lelaki)
13. Para artis disanjung (menjadi pujaan).
14. Muzik banyak dimainkan.
15. Generasi akhir umat ini melaknat (menyalahkan) generasi pertama (sahabat).
Maka pada ketika itu hendaklah mereka menanti angin merah atau gempa bumi ataupun mereka akan di ubah menjadi makhluk yang lain." H.R. Tarmizi.
Posted by ahmad syamil at 4/11/2009 0 comments
Panduan Mengkhusyukkan Sembahyang
- Memakai pakaian yang bersih dan suci lagi kemas serta bau-bauan yang diharuskan dan sentiasa sembahyang di awal waktu kecuali jika ada sesuatu majlis atau keuzuran
- Tidak memandang ke kiri atau ke kanan sebaliknya terus memandang ke tempat sujud
- Menyemaikan di dalam hati perasaan takut dan rendah diri terhadap Allah yang Maha Melihat setiap gerak-geri kita
- Menumpukkan pandangan ke tempat sujud dan tidak banyak menggerakkan anggota badan dalam sembahyang
- Membanyakkan sedekah terutamanya kepada golongan fakir miskin
- Memastikan tidak ada gangguan di dalam kawasan atau persekitaran sembahyang
- Cuba memahami segala isi bacaan dalam sembahyang termasuk ayat Al Quran, zikir dan tasbih
- Mengambil wuduk dengan sempurna supaya air merata pada semua bahagian anggota yang wajib dan membaca doa apabila air melalui di tiap-tiap anggota tersebut
- Membaca surah An-Nas, selawat ke atas Rasulullah SAW, istighfar dan apa-apa bacaan untuk menjauhkan gangguan syaitan sebelum takbir
- Tidak menahan diri dari membuang air kecil atau air besar sebelum sembahyang sebaliknya hendaklah ditunaikan hajat itu
- Menjaga makan dan minum dan memastikan sumbernya dari yang bersih lagi halal serta menjauhi makanan yang haram dan syubahat
- Memastikan di bahagian hadapan tempat sujud tidak ada gambar yang boleh menarik pandangan yang menyebabkan fikiran dan hati terganggu
- Banyak mengingati mati dan menganggap sembahyang yang dilakukan itu adalah sembahyang yang terakhir dalam hidupnya
- Menyedari hakikat yang ianya sedang berhadapan dengan Allah yang Maha Agung dan Maha Mengetahui akan segala rahsia hambanya
- Memusatkan seluruh ingatan dan tumpuan pada sembahyang serta melambatkan bacaan tasbih
Posted by ahmad syamil at 4/11/2009 0 comments